Andros Protected Areas

Protected Areas Partners

Bahamas National Trust

The Bahamas National Trust was created by an Act of Parliament in 1959 to build and manage the national park system of the Bahamas. BNT’s mission is to protect and conserve the natural resources of The Bahamas, through stewardship and education, for present and future generations.

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Department of Marine Resources

The Department of Marine Resources is primarily responsible for the administration, management, and development of fisheries in The Bahamas. … The department is also tasked with enforcement of Fisheries Regulations, Marine Mammal Regulations and the Seafood Processing and Inspection Regulations.

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BEST Commission

The BEST Commission manages the implementation of multilateral environmental agreements and reviews environmental impact assessments (EIA) and environmental management plans (EMP) for development projects within The Bahamas.

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WAITT Foundation

The WAITT Foundation is a nonprofit institution partnering with island governments and communities to restore coral reefs and fisheries. It also makes grants, which also makes grants, mainly in support of Marine Protected Areas and sustainable fisheries.

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